Sunday, 21 April 2013

Franco Western

This is a French Club for French 20 IB and 30 IB students who wish to gain more knowledge about the French language and culture. It is an annual three month program that is held once per week during lunch.  The students do their research projects in groups and present them during the meetings at lunch.

                         picture with Mme. Corriveau, organizer of Franco Western

      planning our research project on Facebook while communicating entirely in French


-          Working collaboratively with my classmates on research projects and present them together.

-          Developed new skills: developed my French researching and presentation skill.

-          Engaged in an issue of Global importance: Studying a commonly used language and learning about the cultures of different places.

-          Planned and initiated activities: I helped planning for our group research projects, including finding locations of our meetings, setting various deadlines and choosing topics.

Founder and Executive of Magic Club

I am a founder and an executive at my school’s Magic Club. I try to perfect one to three tricks each week in order to teach them to my club members. I meet with three other executives weekly to discuss our plan for the next meeting. In addition, we planned events such as magic shows to fund raise for children in Northern Africa. We also volunteered at Children’s Birthday Miracles to perform for children from homeless shelters.

                                         the executives of magic club
                                         performing with various volunteers
                                            performing a mind reading trick
                                         performing a card trick
                                           vanishing a banana inside a cloth
                                                   group picture at the end of a magic show


-          Developed new skills : learning magic tricks; public performance and public speech.

-          Worked with others executives when discussing and organizing activities for each meeting.

-          Undertaken a new challenge to perform risky magic tricks in front of  large crowds
-         Increased my awareness of my own strengths and growth in public speaking from teaching new tricks to our members, and from performing in magic shows in front of large crowds of audience. I realized that I am a much more skilled speaker and presenter now. Each success of our show gives me more confidence when I’m speaking in front of a large crowd of audience,  and I will continue to further enhance my public speaking skills and presentation skills.

-          Planned and initiated activities: being a founder of the club; planning executive meeting times and what we will do during the meeting. I initiated the magic show by writing a proposal to our school; I planned and participated in the entire event from performing to selling tickets.

-          Integration of service and creativity.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Globalfest Volunteer

Globalfest is a 6 day festival held in Eliston Park Calgary. It celebrates cultural diversity of different countries. I assigned to the Operation Team; I was involved in various positions throughout my volunteering experience, such as selling tickets, answering radio, and I was also in charge of the Lost Kids Camp. I would ask the adults to put a wrist tag on their children which includes their contact information in case their children are separated from them during the festival. If we do find lost kids, they are brought to the camp while we contact their parents.

                                        volunteering as a stamper at the front gate

                                           being in charge of the "Lost Kids" tent
- Worked collaboratively with others : working with our team leader and other volunteers to fulfill the duty of our department
-Engaged in an issue global importance: promotion of exchange of culture and ideas between different countries
           - Intergration of action and service.

Telus Spark Science Centre Summer Camp Volunteering

It is an innovative summer camp for children from 5 to 14 years olds who are interested in science. The program groups children with others at their age and allows them to explore scientific phenomena that are suitable for their knowledge levels. I volunteered at two summer camps, one is H2O splash camp and another is called Mission 50.For the H2O camp I supervised young campers swimming in a leisure centre .  For Mission 50 camp, I organized group actives such as warm up games, and I supervised science experiments while teaching scientific knowledge to younger campers.

                                        supervising a group activity with other volunteers
                                               group photo of mission 50 camps
                                              supervising children during free activity time
                     group picture of H2O camp in front of leisure centre after swimming


-          Undertaken new challenges of taking care of two kids during a potentially dangerous event- swimming.

-          Ethical implication for volunteering in h20 camp : Ensuring the safety of others. I also think that one should be responsible and accountable to her jobs, which is try I gave my best effort to ensure the safety of the kids I was in charge of during swimming.

-          Ethical implications for volunteering in mission 50 camp: respecting younger children, and being a role model; encouraging younger children in discovering and pursuing their passion.

-          Integration of creativity, service and action.

-          Worked collaboratively with others: working with camp leaders and other volunteers when organizing activities.

-          Global importance: educating and building interest for young minds about science and technology


I organize badminton activities for a group of around 20 people. I try to find the best time for everybody to meet and play badminton together in a recreation centre by our school. We also work out in the gym, and sometimes we go swimming afterwards. We usually meet once or twice a month and we start from 11am to 4-5pm.          
                                           serving to my opponent
                                          playing mixed doubles with my classmate

- shown perseverance and commitment : been organizing badminton events throughout all three years of high school

- Increased my awareness of my own strengths and growth in my fitness  by practicing and competing with others in badminton.

- planned and initiated activities: planning for the badminton event

-  collaboration with others : practicing badminton with others- playing with partners for doubles and mixed doubles.

-engaged in an issue of global importance: one major issue in the modern time is the lack of physical exercise in younger generations due to the advancement on technology. By planning badminton activities, I am hoping to lead more youth into having a healthier lifestyle instead of playing on their computers all day.

Seniors and Kids Intergenerational Program

My partner and I meet with our senior friends at a retirement home every other Friday. There are a variety of activities we do for our meetings, such as sharing personal experiences, playing board games, and friendly competitions with other seniors and students.

my partner and I building things out of recyclables with our senior friend

                              my partner and I having fun at a christmas party with our senior friend


-          shown perseverance and commitment : been a volunteer from the beginning of grade 11 to present.

-          considered ethical implications of my action: respecting and caring for the elders. Encouraging them to live their life with joy even if their health condition is not the best.

-           engage global issue: there is a large number of aging population in the world, I believe that one should learn to care for the elders,  and integrate them into our society.

-          planned and initiated activities: for some of the meetings, my partner and I would plan out the activities we will be doing with our seniors in advance.
-           Integration of service and creativity.

Chess club

Every Wednesday during lunch, I would go to Chess Club to play Chess or Checkers with other members.

                                          playin chess with my friend in chess club
other members watching and discussing our chess game 
-          shown perseverance and commitment : Been a since the beginning of grade 11 to present.

-          undertaken new challenges: learning to play chess

-          developed new skill: playing chess

Math Club

I am a member in our school’s Math Club; we meet weekly to learn how to solve math contest problems. We meet during lunch times and somtimes during Friday afternoons.
 I try to write every math contest that our school offers since the beginning of high school. I earned 6 certificates of distinctions for the past two years.

                                         solving questions in math club

6 certificate of distinctions in math contests 
Outcomes :

-          Increased my awareness of my own strengths and growth in math by learning beyond the curriculum and doing math contests. Due to gaining awarness in my strength in problem solving, I decided to be an engineer; I will be studying chemical engineerin in university.
-           Developed new problem solving skills.
-          Undertaken new challenges: taking math contests and solving challenging math problems

-          shown perseverance and commitment : been a member throughout all three years of high school